April 12•13 Kindergarten and Primary School Admissions Process
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April 12 Middle School and High School Admissions Exam
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Frequently Asked Questions


Who owns NÛN Schools? 
NÛN Schools is an in-residence of the NÛN Educational and Cultural Foundation. 

When did NÛN Schools open?
NÛN Primary School opened in 2014. NÛN Boys’ and Girls’ Campuses have provided education for middle and high school levels since 2016. 

Where are the NÛN Schools located?
NÛN Schools kindergarten, primary school, middle school, high school and dormitories are located in Elmalı Mahallesi, Elmalı Yolu Sokak No:5/1 Beykoz - Istanbul. 

What is the founding philosophy of NÛN Schools?
NÛN Schools have set out on its journey with the aim of raising young generations as global citizens, thus aware of their moral and conscientious responsibilities and national and local values as they will lead the 21st century. It personalizes education planning by building on the foundations of knowledge, belief, and aesthetics, with the awareness that each student has unique interests and abilities. 

What is the International Baccalaureate (IB)?
The International Baccalaureate (IB), recognized as a valid and reliable global quality standard, aims to educate young people between the ages 3 and 19 as well-rounded global citizens who keep abreast and are equipped with improved life skills. Adopting this program, NÛN Schools effectively educate knowledgeable, conscious, and caring young people. 

How are the IB Programs combined with the Ministry of National Education curriculum?
The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a framework designating specific methods and techniques. The program does not aim solely at academic knowledge as an acquisition. The IB student exhibits learner profiles i.e., inquirers and risk takers, and they are expected to develop life skills. NÛN Schools implements the curriculum of the Ministry of National Education within this framework. For example, the "ability to perform four operations" is one of the achievements determined by this curriculum for a primary school student. However, this is not sufficient within the IB framework. IB expects its student to gain awareness of being fair in daily life during division/sharing; they gain communication skills to tell about and explain the four operations to their friends easily and put this knowledge into action in daily life in addition to performing these operations. NÛN Schools create an original curriculum, adding its unique contents to two formerly stated curricula. In this way, the school contributes to the education of inquiring, knowledgeable, open-to-communication, open-minded, caring, risk-taker, balanced, and reflective individuals. They become experts in their own fields, as well as have a general knowledge of other fields, follow international developments, and are lifelong learners who think analytically and critically. 

What factors do NÛN Schools consider when selecting academic staff?
Besides being a master in the field, it is essential that NÛN teachers follow up on the developments in their areas and are keen on learning further. It is expected that they can communicate in a foreign language and improve academically in their own field. 
Those with a minimum of five years of experience have a priority, and those with wise personalities to be role models for students, who act as a part of the whole, and who believe in the beauty of cooperation are preferred. People whose curiosity is definitive in their life story, who have a strong wish for deeper learning, and who wish to share this knowledge with students are sought. 

Do high school students have to take the preparatory class even if they are proficient in English?
No. Our students who demonstrate the necessary success in the exams conducted for the purpose of determining the level are exempt from the preparatory class. 

Are there any specialized classes for students with varying levels of proficiency in foreign languages?
NÛN Schools frequently consider the “differentiation” method for foreign language learning. Several dynamics are applied in learning a foreign language. Some students may speak a foreign language easily but may have problems writing academic texts. If a student cannot express themselves easily in a foreign language, this does not mean that he/she is not competent in that language. NÛN Schools meticulously inspect the system they implement and shape so that education is planned according to the student's needs. At this point, the differentiation method comes into play. Initially, the student's level is determined. A group of competent instructors works beyond lesson hours to address shortcomings and enhance existing skills. They practice speaking English with the students who are not yet fluent, writing studies are carried out with the student who has difficulty writing texts, and the content of the study is revised according to the student's needs. 

Is boarding on campus mandatory for middle school and high school students?
NÛN Schools embody dormitories for high school students in Beykoz campus.  Dormitories are available for students who reside in Istanbul or come from outside the province, but they are optional and not mandatory. According to the legislation, middle school students are not allowed to be provided with dormitory facilities. 

What are the sports and arts facilities of your school?
NÛN Schools aim to raise their students as global citizens aware of local and national values and they also believe in the significance of culture, arts and sports. It takes into account students' interests and abilities to provide a better experience in various sports. NÛN Schools embody dormitories for high school students in Beykoz campus.  Students take part in many workshops and clubs that are renewed every year in order to ensure their social development in parallel with their educational and training activities. They have the opportunity to exhibit their works and performances through activities such as solo exhibitions, art corners. In NÛN Schools, cultural activities are designed aside from the art and music classes to help students gain art consciousness, awareness, and a better understanding of the history, philosophy, aesthetics, and perspectives of the visual arts and music.   


Admission and Evaluation Process

Do you have an admission process for each grade level in your school? 
Student recruitment is conducted based on quota system. Children who have completed 54 months are eligible for admission to preschool classes. For admissions to 1st grade, it is preferable that the candidates have turned 69 months old. However, students between 66 and 69 months old can also apply, but they need to receive a report from our guidance counselors stating that there are concerns with regard to students. Applications for Intermediate classes 2, 3, and 4 under existing quotas are evaluated. 
Admissions for middle and high school are evaluated based on quotas. 

Is it mandatory to take the admission exam of your school?
At NÛN Girls' School and Boys' School, prospective students take an admission exam on specified dates. Prospective students who wish to enroll are required to take these exams. The NÛN Schools' academic exam assesses not only students' command of the current curriculum but also their analysis and synthesis skills, reading comprehension, ability to express their thoughts in their own words, and ability to read, interpret, and infer information from graphics, tables, and maps. Those who successfully complete this process are invited to interviews.

At NÛN Primary School, kindergarten and first-grade students do not take academic exams; instead, workshops are held to assess the students' school readiness.

What are the determining factors in primary school admissions?
At NÛN Primary School, with the workshops held under the supervision of our homeroom teachers and guidance and counselling office, the student's cognitive level, motor skills, attention, inclination to group work, social and communication skills, and ability to take instructions are measured. Students who meet the requirements are admitted to the school. 

Does your school offer any scholarship opportunities and who is eligible to benefit from them?
Yes, we do. The NÛN Foundation for Education and Culture is dedicated to educating, supporting student development, and preparing students from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds for life. Therefore, it implements a scholarship policy based on ensuring equal opportunities for students.

At NÛN Schools, scholarship evaluations are carried out regarding the needs of the families, the student's performance in the admission processes and their educational life at NÛNSchools, the maintenance of academic performance, and scholarship quotas. Eligible students may apply for scholarships after completing the admissions process. Current students may apply for scholarships at any grade level. We do not offer scholarships to the kindergarten.

Scholarship applications are re-evaluated every year monitoring the family financial circumstances and the student academic performance.

Can the scholarship be revoked?
The accuracy of the statements is evaluated every year. The scholarship will continue at the same rate and amount as long as the student maintains academic success, does not receive disciplinary action, and the family's income status remains stable. 


Additional Services 

Do you provide school bus services to students? 
Yes, we provide school bus service to students. NÛN Schools aim to keep service routes short and adjust them for each new student. We consider city traffic and make special efforts to ensure students start the day refreshed. 

Are the meals cooked in the school's on-site kitchen facilities?
Believing that the cognitive development of students is not separate from their physical development, NÛN Schools pay special attention to a healthy diet. In addition to the main dish, all products, from yogurt to cream, are made with fresh and natural ingredients in the school's own kitchen and served to students.   

Is there any health service offered to students?
The school facilities separate paramedics who work separately at NÛN Primary School, NÛN Boys' School, and Girls' School. Nurses communicate directly with parents regarding student health in case any change is observed in their health; they also provide full-time services for first aid and emergency interventions. Health information regarding the students can be obtained at any time throughout the year.