April 12•13 Kindergarten and Primary School Admissions Process
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April 12 Middle School and High School Admissions Exam
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Visiting Tour
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Candidate Student Application Form

The student admission exams are held face-to-face at NUN Schools Beykoz Campus.  In case of changes in the terms, the prospective parents will be contacted. 

The application fee for our admission exam is 500 TL. After your application, you will be directed to the payment page.

The NUN Schools Admission Exam is not a scholarship exam. Every student must take this exam in order to gain the right to enroll in the school. Students who successfully complete the academic exam and guidance interviews, which is the first step of the admission process, have the opportunity to request a scholarship to the NUN Foundation for Education and Culture. Scholarship opportunities provided by the NUN Foundation for Education and Culture to its students are determined according to the income of the family, the academic performance of the student and the scholarship quota.

*The applicant students at intermediate grade levels who are qualified for the 2nd stage are required to pay TRY 1500.

Student Information

If you cannot upload your documents at the moment, please send them to [email protected] with the name, surname and contact information of the candidate student and their parents as soon as possible.

In order for international students to enroll in any school in Turkey, it is obligatory to submit an equivalence certificate. If you do not have this document yet, you can access detailed information about the application from the link of the Ministry of National Education and start your application process. There is a certain time limit for the submission of documents. It is very important that you make your application as soon as possible so that the time to receive your equivalence certificate is not extended due to the density. https://edenklik.meb.gov.tr/?culture=en-US

Family Information