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Serbest Kürsü Event - Humeyra's "İçimden Geldiği Gibi" Book Promotion And Signing Day Event

Our middle school student, Hümeyra, recently launched her book, titled "İçimden Geldiği Gibi" (As It Feels Like), at a captivating Serbest Kürsü event. The book is praised for its simple yet impactful language. Receiving great appreciation, especially from the literary enthusiast and avid young readers alike, the book received significant interest.

During the event, Hümeyra shared her writing process and inspiration, offering valuable insights and encouragement to her fellow students.

This way attendees learned ways to develop their writing and expression skills. Hümera's perseverance and determination, along with her emphasis on the importance of faith and effort, serve as a powerful message for all students, demonstrating that similar achievements are within their reach.

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