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We Became Hopscotch Competition District Champions

Hopscotch is one of our traditional games that provides balance, pace, flexibility and coordination to our students. Our first grader students ranked first in Hopscotch Competition in the district.

As NUN Schools, we believe that sport activities have a key role for our students to improve values such as equality, justice, tolerance, respect, modesty, determination. For this reason, we think that it is a unique opportunity to learn healthy communication when physical and health education classes and common activities are designed cooperatively with psychology and counselling unit, class and subject-specific teachers. We also make use of our traditional children games to contribute to physical health in our authentic curriculum. Hopscotch is very useful for balance, pace, flexibility, coordination and concentration.

Our Hopscotch team of first graders attended Traditional Children Games Hopscotch in Uskudar district and became “district champion”. We congratulate our young athletes, their families and teachers that contributed.

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