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The Most Enjoyable Day of Pi: “PI DAY”
Middle school and high school students celebrated March 14th, World Pi Day through enjoyable activities and games such as performing plays they have written, memory games and design competitions.
“PI DAY” activity which is specifically prepared for March 14th World Pi Day has been carried out in the conference hall of our school. The design of the stage was prepared by our students themselves. First, they have prepared the numbers of Pi in wood workshop with the collaboration of their design teacher. Later, they painted these wooden numbers colourfully in visual arts classrooms and put it on the stage respectively.
Students also wore t-shirts about Pi which they designed themselves. They started the program by watching a video which explains the unknown parts of Pi together with what Pi is. They demonstrated their abilities in “Pi Memory” competition by trying to memorize digits of infinite numbers that never ends; the decimals go on forever and ever.
They designed Pi objects, one more original than the other, for “Pi’ri of Design”- highly skilled in design- competition. They put them to vote and decided together on the most liked objects.
The activity continued with the play “The Life of Archimedes” written and performed by our 9th graders. The play caught the attention of the audience and it was really great.
5th and 6th graders also competed in a fun activity which will develop their skills such as organization, collaboration and time-management. First, they aligned respectively mixed balloons on which pi numbers are written. Later, they blew up balloons and took pieces of papers on which notes are written. They collected the notes, and, in the end, there was a meaningful and interesting sentence about maths.
The program in the conference hall ended with singing “Pi Song” all together and joyfully which is composed by our Maths teachers.
Students also cut Pi cake and took many photos with their Pi glasses.