NÛN Foundation for Education and Culture Introduces the Side by Side Scholarship Program!
"i and the person who looks after an orphan and provides for him will be in paradise like this." ...

Capture the Light of Ramadan!
the month of ramadan is back with all its excitement. capture the light photography contest starts...

Open House at NÛN Schools Starts!
discover nûn schools at our open house events to experience our unique educational philosophy teac...

NÛN Schools student admission process has started!
at nûn schools, students’ self-journey to be a “good person” is given equal importance as their ac...

Do you want to share our dream of raising good people at NÛN?
at nûn schools, we embarked on a journey of imagination by envisioning courageous and spirited you...
IB DP TOK Exhibition
At the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Exhibition, organized for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program, our 11th graders embarked on a captivating exploration. They bridged the gap between the concrete world and the theoretical world by establishing relationships between everyday objects and TOK concepts.
Students chose objects we use daily and linked them to one of the 35 core TOK questions established by the IB. This year's exhibition showcased their in-depth research and interpretations through visually engaging posters and presentations. Informative presentations told the story of the objects, reducing TOK concepts to relatable everyday scenarios.
The TOK Exhibition became a journey of wonder, research, and critical evaluation of scientific knowledge. It served as a powerful reminder to our school community of the boundless potential that knowledge unlocks. Visit our news section to delve deeper into this enlightening exploration! Discover how theoretical knowledge intersects with reality, shaping our understanding of the world around us.