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"Elçi" (The Envoy)

Our students staged a theater play called "Elçi" (the Envoy) within the scope of the Holy Birth Week activities. Our preparatory class students and some of 5B students took an active part in the theater. For the theater play, our music teachers’ department composed a self-contained work and performed it with our students during the play. A Mecca market place was set up in the foyer area of our school and our 5th grade and primary school students acted out the Mecca period in this market place. Moreover, marbling pictures made by our students were displayed in our lobby.

For six weeks, our students spent all their Saturdays by devotedly doing rehearsals of the play "Elçi" with their director. In this process, they found an opportunity to discover many of their existing skills and develop them. They improved their skills of perseverance and stability by showing determination of working for long hours. They put their communication skills forward in the rehearsals that require teamwork. The most important thing is that they learned to work in a target oriented way for making this first Holy Birth program of NUN Schools and to come over the minor difficulties they encountered. Hereby, the theater activity of the Holy Birth was practiced as a part of our education and teaching.

Another activity that we organized within the scope of the Holy Birth activities was "Hadith Recitation". The most meaningful contribution of this week to our students was that they learned the remarks of our Prophet (peace be upon him) and had an idea about how to put them into practice. Students of NUN Schools, Beykoz campus listened to the hadith on their shuttle bus on the way of coming to the school on Friday mornings. In the Quran-I Karim lessons,  our students are requested to share the hadith they remember easily or they took notes of. Small surprise gifts were given to all the students that shared a hadith.

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