Capture the Light of Ramadan!
the month of ramadan is back with all its excitement. capture the light photography contest starts...

Open House at NÛN Schools Starts!
discover nûn schools at our open house events to experience our unique educational philosophy teac...

NÛN Schools student admission process has started!
at nûn schools, students’ self-journey to be a “good person” is given equal importance as their ac...

Do you want to share our dream of raising good people at NÛN?
at nûn schools, we embarked on a journey of imagination by envisioning courageous and spirited you...

NÛN Meetings
to broaden our students' intellectual horizons, we host nûn meetings. to commemorate the anniversa...
Literary Talks
Our delicious cuisine reserves an exceptional place in our literature, as well as in our culture and history. The elements of our cuisine are used in our language; in our idioms with different metaphors, into our literature with different symbolic meanings. We have gathered information about the nutrients mentioned in literary works of our literature. We conducted our meetings with the students at regular intervals in the school canteen to discuss how the names of the foods are used in our language and literature, as well as the meanings they convey.
The first guest of our table was "bread." We made a start with bread since it holds the history from Prophet Adam to today, being a side to nearly all meals.
Rumi says, "The bread is lifeless as long as it is on the table, yet it becomes the lively spirit once it is inside the human body."
By sharing our bread, we talked about abundance, unity, and, in short, global issues. We gathered around a cozy table, continued our conversation about bread, and explored its symbolic meanings. With this activity, we aimed to enrich our students' cultural knowledge, contribute to their understanding of the importance of some special blessings in our culture, and discover the beauties of our language.