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Ali Saydam Attended Our Class and Explained the Secret of Failure

Within the scope of "Academicians" in January our guest was public relations and communication expert Ali Saydam who met our high school students, shared what they needed to be successful starting from how to fail.

Ali Saydam was the January speaker of the "Academicians" class, which we meet with competent names in the field every month in order to deepen the curriculum related topics and prepare our high school students for undergraduate courses. Mr. Saydam, teaching undergraduate and graduate courses at Istanbul University Communication Faculty for ten years and is currently teaching at Bahçeşehir University, also has five articles on communication and columnist writings.

Mr. Saydam started his presentation with a humorous title as "How do we fail?" And succeeded in taking attention of the students from the first minute on.

The communication specialist, whose presentation was also a course, invited students to think about the causes of this by showing examples of successful and unsuccessful advertising films. The lesson everyone discussed with this mentality was very much contributed to the skills of the students in analyzing, synthesizing, deducing, expressing themselves.

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