NÛN Foundation for Education and Culture Introduces the Side by Side Scholarship Program!
"i and the person who looks after an orphan and provides for him will be in paradise like this." ...

Capture the Light of Ramadan!
the month of ramadan is back with all its excitement. capture the light photography contest starts...

Open House at NÛN Schools Starts!
discover nûn schools at our open house events to experience our unique educational philosophy teac...

NÛN Schools student admission process has started!
at nûn schools, students’ self-journey to be a “good person” is given equal importance as their ac...

Do you want to share our dream of raising good people at NÛN?
at nûn schools, we embarked on a journey of imagination by envisioning courageous and spirited you...
Tent Camp Program
Our schools organized a camp program in our campus for the grade 8 students. Among the activities organized within the scope of the program were music, campfire lighting and various sports activities.
The students learned how to setup their own tents enjoyed being together by having a pleasant time with various activities during the time they intertwined with nature. During the camp, students enhanced the skills such as teamwork and leadership. This experience made a positive contribution to the personal and social development of the students.
During the camp, the students' awareness of love and respect for nature also developed. Spending a pleasant intertwined with nature has increased their consciousness and responsibilities towards the environment. The program contributed as an important steps towards becoming more conscious and responsible individuals.