Capture the Light of Ramadan!
the month of ramadan is back with all its excitement. capture the light photography contest starts...

NÛN Schools student admission process has started!
at nûn schools, students’ self-journey to be a “good person” is given equal importance as their ac...

Do you want to share our dream of raising good people at NÛN?
at nûn schools, we embarked on a journey of imagination by envisioning courageous and spirited you...

Ural Ataman Classical Car Museum
our first-grade students visited the ural ataman classic car museum as part of the “where we are i...

Academicians In The Class
prof. dr. elif nuroğlu, dean of the faculty of economics and administrative sciences at the turkis...
Biotechnology Debate
Our grade 8 students attended the Biotechnology Debate at NÛN Schools. This event fostered the active application of scientific knowledge and critical thinking skills. Our students confidently defended their thesis on the advantages and disadvantages of biotechnology, drawing on their in-class learning and in-depth research.
This provided an opportunity to actively utilize their insights, knowledge, and argumentation skills. By listening to opposing viewpoints, they developed empathy and honed their critical thinking abilities.
The event served as a platform for students to strengthen their research, analytical thinking, persuasive communication, and teamwork skills. It also heightened their awareness of the ethical considerations and societal implications of biotechnology.