Open House at NÛN Schools Starts!
discover nûn schools at our open house events to experience our unique educational philosophy teac...
NÛN Schools student admission process has started!
at nûn schools, students’ self-journey to be a “good person” is given equal importance as their ac...
Do you want to share our dream of raising good people at NÛN?
at nûn schools, we embarked on a journey of imagination by envisioning courageous and spirited you...
Ural Ataman Classical Car Museum
our first-grade students visited the ural ataman classic car museum as part of the “where we are i...
Academicians In The Class
prof. dr. elif nuroğlu, dean of the faculty of economics and administrative sciences at the turkis...
This month, we hosted our valuable Sports Consultant Kubilay Çimen at the Family Academy, which is organized regularly every month. The program focused on how to include physical development and sports in children's lives.
Kubilay Çimen emphasized the importance of participating in physical activities and doing sports during childhood in terms of child development. He shared with our parents that participation in regular physical activities will keep children and young people away from unwanted bad habits and contribute to their healthy growth, development and socialization.Kubilay Çimen, who shared his achievements in the field of sports with our parents, said that every child should be directed to a sports branch and the family has the biggest responsibility here.
Parents showed great interest to the program which was completed with the Q&A session.