Open House at NÛN Schools Starts!
discover nûn schools at our open house events to experience our unique educational philosophy teac...
NÛN Schools student admission process has started!
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Do you want to share our dream of raising good people at NÛN?
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Ural Ataman Classical Car Museum
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Academicians In The Class
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PYP Exhibitions
PYP Exhibitions are a platform where students develop not only their academic knowledge but also vital skills such as research, critical thinking, cooperation, and leadership.
The PYP Exhibition, an important part of the PYP implemented by the International Baccalaureate (IB) at the primary school level, provided a setting for students' unique works this year. Students await this event with great anticipation. The exhibit enables students to conduct in-depth research on social, environmental, economic, or cultural issues in guidance with their mentors and create innovative solutions for these problems.
Working on issues such as children's rights, peace and justice, recycling, healthy living, cultural heritage, air pollution, children's well-being, war and migration, students worked intensively and developed their skills in information collection, analysis and independent thinking. Through this process, they gained sensitivity to social problems and developed solutions to these problems. The student projects demonstrated their skills, highlighting not only their academic knowledge but also their practical thinking abilities to create solutions to real-world problems.
During this long journey, our students have researched, wondered and inquired. They developed their skills around a common goal; to create solutions to issues of importance around the world. Each group presented their findings in unique ways to themselves, to showcase what they aim for: they either collaborated with experts to compose songs, draw pictures and organized surveys.
The PYP Exhibition encouraged students to develop as inquiring, thinking and caring individuals. They used their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities by using various research methods and techniques during the project process. By collaborating with their mentors, they strengthened their teamwork and leadership skills. The exhibition contributed to preparing students to become self-confident, responsible world citizens.