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Message From Our Primary School Principal

Dear Parents,

You have entrusted your children, your dearest ones, to us. Protecting your trusts, we hope to take ourselves one step further with an understanding that develops and progresses with them.

We have registered our educational approach, in which we prioritize the well-being of our children and focus on their character development as well as their academic development, with the CIS Child Protection Policy accreditation process. Our approach to preventive guidance involves identifying potential risk factors ahead of time and taking early action. We also provide development-oriented training to support our teachers’ existing equipment.

Our educational program is a synthesis of the IB framework program, NUN Values, and our school’s culture, making it unique. Thus, we aim to introduce our children to the self-expressive profile we describe as “thinking hearts”. We design lesson plans to improve life skills and create our clubs with this understanding. We consider our focus on physical, social, mental, spiritual and emotional development with a holistic approach and see it as a part of maturation. With our sustainable living and nature school courses, we adopt an approach that considers nature our home, and we desire to raise generations sensitive to their environment. As the essential stakeholders of the learning community, your support in keeping up with the school program and planned life is precious to us. The assignments sent to the house are to support their development and willpower. At this point, our expectation from you is to be a guide to help your students complete assignments instead of taking full responsibility for completing them.

Education is a long-term, labor-demanding process, and its fruits grow slowly. As a community of learners, we need the most love, tolerance and patience for our children on this path we have set out on. As teachers, guidance counsellors and school administration, we would like to express that we are open to all kinds of advice and feedback that will always come from you with honest and reliable communication about the development of our children, that will move us forward, and that we consider feedbacks valuable.

I hope the new academic year will be fruitful and full of pleasing memories. Sincerely,

NUN Primary School Principal
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