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PYP Exhibitions

The PYP Exhibitions are the student presentations made to the school community in the final year of the IB Primary Years Program by synthesizing their acquired knowledge and skills. The exhibitions are transdisciplinary inquiries carried out in the spirit of personal and shared responsibility. They are also outcome assessment activities for Grade 4 students that mark their transition from the IB Primary Years Program to secondary education.

The exhibition covers an academic year in which in-depth inquiries are made. Throughout the process, they are asked to cooperate, look at the issue from different perspectives, act responsibly, develop discrete ideas for the public well-being so that they can take action, and put into practice what they have learned in previous years.

Exhibitions are comprehensive processes carried out by classroom teachers, advisor teachers and students all together. While students are identifying the problem, questioning, generating project ideas, and doing research, teachers become their guides to realize the project. Last but not least, our parents are also in a supportive position for students to carry out their studies.