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Beyond Education Talks and Workshops

It is a clear fact that the techno-sociological transformations we have experienced in the last few centuries have brought significant gains to humanity. On the other hand, we have to consider some worrying developments as the ones working in the field of education and, thus, working for the future.

What is the purpose of education? How far can we go by seeing it as a cause-and-effect mechanism in education designed for humans with layers such as spirit, body, mind, and will? What kind of education can we apply to nourish all the layers of human beings and encourage them to use all the opportunities of this age to benefit humanity? Can a human who does not know himself, who has not yet realized his basic needs and has become a passive member of the consumer culture poured over him, build a future?  How can a person, far from knowing the purpose of existence, know the treasure within himself? Determines how the most suitable goals for himself in life? What is that motivation to protect him from difficulties? Should we prepare for the 21st century by becoming more digital or human? Is the current trend sustainable if we do not take measures?

In 2018, the first Beyond Education was held by NÛN Schools to answer the question "What is beyond education?" In the organization, expert speakers discussed digital transformation in education, artificial intelligence, and differentiation.

In the second Beyond Education summit held in 2019, the concept of "will" was taken as the center, and it was examined from different perspectives through the window of education.

In addition, workshops and conversations held within the scope of the Beyond Education summit continue to contribute to the individual development of NÛN Schools teachers. With monthly workshops in different areas such as woodworking, ceramics, painting, and music, teachers spend time together and improve their existing skills besides learning new things.

In addition, under the title of "Beyond Education Talks," NÛN teachers come together with expert speakers to talk about the problems of the age that are of particular interest to the younger generations. Beyond Education Talks, which is held at regular intervals, also offers a different experience opportunity with the experience areas created for NÛN teachers.

The third Beyond Education summit, planned to discuss the theme of "Journey to the Self," will be held on November 4, 2023.